Monday, September 21, 2009


Even after doing this for almost 2 years now i still make mistakes, like this one. When I rotated the baby turkeys i put them in the nursery. We had a big rain that night. The next morning my papa, Nicolas said that the poults were not moving or chirping like they usually do. He went to look and thought that ten of them had been drowned in the rain. He took them under the heat lamp where they dried off and got there strength back. Still, 3 of them died.

You will find that most of the time they will stay at the heat lamp. It is like their mom. But if they get cold when they are outside they will run back to and from the heat as they please.

Monday, September 14, 2009

rotating turkeys

When we get a hatch of poults we have to take them from the mom. I know that sounds mean but it is because we have so many preditors such as foxes,owls,hawks and more. Once we get the poults we put them in big tubs. Then they go to the out door cage. We can move that cage around for them to eat grass and insects. Then they go to the nursery, a bigger outdoor caged fenced, where they will stay till they get almost as big as the adults.
Then we take the bigger turkeys, which i like to call the teenagers, to the big pen with the adults where they will live till we have a harvest.